
Going limbic?

A simple Google search will provide plenty of information about your brain’s limbic system, and what it means to be going limbic.

Here is the idiot’s guide …

The amygdala is a part of the brain that makes up the limbic system, sometimes referred to as the lizard (or prehistoric) brain. It is the centre of your emotional system, fight and flight, and stress.

The other important part of your brain is the frontal lobes – the part right behind your forehead. That’s the part that regulates the emotions and actions that separates us from other animals – reasoning, thinking, planning and decision-making. You can find a good article about it here.

You know that feeling you get when some bogan cuts you off in traffic and you want to kick his headlights in? That’s your amygdala getting hijacked and you are going limbic. You stop being rational and just want to react.

You know that same feeling when something bad happens at work and you just want to put your fist through a wall? Amygdala hijack. Going limbic again.

So how do you stop or lessen the chances of having your amygdala hijacked?

There are a few ways. Most importantly you need to recognise it is happening and consciously pull yourself back into control. You can count to 10, or take some deep breaths when something bad happens.

For a longer-term solution, I find that journaling helps. Journaling about those things that annoy me, and turning them into something positive so that – hopefully – I will be able to start looking for the good in things rather than just reacting to the bad.

And with any luck, that will make me a better husband, father, grandfather, leader, workmate … and maybe even a better human being.